Who we are
Our website address is: https://mondaymedia.nl.
Privacy statement & cookie use
We respect the privacy you as visitor to this website and ensure that the personal information you
provide is treated confidentially. We process your data in accordance with the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) and the General Data Protection Regulation Implementation Act.
Purpose of data processing
Your personal data will be processed by us for entering into and executing agreements, other legal
grounds, or because you have indicated that we may approach you for your cooperation in one of the
programs that we produce and for managing the relationship with you. If you send us an e-mail with
personal information, the data you send us will be kept for as long as necessary considering the nature
of its content.
Visitor and click behaviour data
General visitor data is monitored on our website. This includes, for example, the IP address of your
computer, the time of retrieval and the data that your browser sends. This data can be used for
analyses of visitor and click behaviour on our website and to optimize the operation of our website.
This information is not provided to third parties and is always anonymised as much as possible.
Use of Cookies
When you visit our website, we can use cookies. These are simple files in which information is stored
on your computer to optimize the operation of the site (functional cookies). These cookies have no consequences for your privacy.
Access, rectification and right to object
If you have a relationship with our company, you have the opportunity to request to inspect the personal data we have on you, to have it amended or to have it deleted. You can also inform us if you do not want to be contacted with information about our productions and services by reporting this to
the following address: privacy@mondaymedia.nl
Adjustments to this privacy policy
We reserve the right to adjust this privacy statement. Changes will be published on this page.